How to Make $1,000 a Day Online Using Quizzes

Quizzes are the best way to engage an audience that isn’t willing to listen to you. They help you convert a cold audience coming from social media into warm and engaged visitors.

Here’s why quizzes work: they feel personal.

Think about it. You’re getting information from someone and giving them a solution based on your answer. Even if your answer isn’t really customized based on the information they entered, it still feels like a personalized solution and in the world of automated things, personalized solutions are the key.

Take our high ticket program system as an example. We convert over 35% of our customers into high paying ones, that 4x more than average in this industry and it’s because we provide a customized solution. Not quizzes in this case, but a dedicated phone team that will close the sale, instead of relying on funnels and emails.

People clicking from Facebook don’t need much convincing because if they have the time to check out your page, they do have the time to purchase a product that will help them solve a major issue in their life. All you need to do is to convince them to invest that money.

Quiz marketing

As you see in the image above, you can use a plugin like Thrive Quiz Builder to create great looking custom quizzes with a custom results page that sells your affiliate product.

The blog post that made $19,218 in sales…

A good example of how powerful quizzes are is one of our recent blog posts, titled “How to Find a Top Clickbank Course That Matches Your Needs!

The idea was pretty simple. We wanted to provide a tool for people who are looking to learn Clickbank affiliate marketing and help them find a program and business model that matches their budget, location and…

We started sending paid traffic to this post quickly after publishing it and this post has made us over $19,000 in sales to this day, showcasing the power of custom solutions and quizzes.

If you’d like to learn more about this business model and how average people are using an affiliate marketing strategy used by super affiliates, you should check out the Inner Circle Masterclass.

This program will teach you to start your own online business as soon as possible, click by click, step by step and if that’s not enough, you will also get a dedicated coach that will help you on every step of the way!

For more details on this go here.